Monday, November 8, 2010

The commitment

I have made a commitment to make a differnce. A difference in the world. My commitment starts with my relationship with God. If I want to have an intimate relationship with my God in heaven I have to do my part. I know the Word of God. But I have made a commitment to be in the Word each day. I am reading the narrative chronological Bible beginning to end. I commit to pray and fast on a regurlar basis. It is a disipline in our walk with the Lord and fasting is an area I am weak in. My commitment ia also with my family. How can I be a better wife & mother. What can I cut out of my life to make more time for them? Am I building them up with words of love? My commitment is with my community. To make a difference every chance I can. To be a helper. Not to judge! To see a need and fill it. My commitment is with my nation. To pray for my leaders. To stand on the Word of God and pray that our nation returns to a nation under God. My commitment is to the world. To be aware of what is going on in the world and pray. To make a difference any chance I can. To not be blind of the orphans, the widows, the poor, the oppressed, to pray for the enslaved and traffiked people of the world. My commitment is with my money. To be a good steward. To tithe to my church. To make offerings above my 10% to help the community, the nation, and the world. To make smart choices with my finances to give more waste less.
This is my commitment. Will you make it yours?!?!?!
I pray that the team going with me to Africa will make this commitment to God. It's about growing. Growing as a person and in your relationship with God. This is a marathon not a sprint. The commitment will give us the strength we need to endure the race because it will strengthen our relationship with Jesus. He is strong when we are weak. This is the journey I will be sharing... My commitment to God and my my journey along the way...

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